Sample Section


This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

You mostly only need to copy and paste a code from the section which you want to use. You might see that all of the sections have a wrapper like this: <section class="section"></section>. It's always a good practice to wrap your section content inside a .container or .container-fluid.

Let's dive into it and see other possibilities.

Sample Section

Background Gray

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

This section has an additional .bg-gray class.

Sample Section

Light Content

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

This section has an additional .text-white and .bg-dark classes.

Sample Section

Primary Color

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

This section has an additional .text-white and .bg-primary classes.

Sample Section

Custom Color

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

This section has an additional .text-white and style="background-color: #00cbce" classes.

Sample Section

Background Image

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Simply provide a background-image for your section. Don't forget to check our overlays.

Sample Section

Fixed Background Image

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

This section has an additional .bg-fixed class.

Sample Section

Gradient Overlay

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Include an .overlay element as a child of your section and style it as you want. It'll be a layer between your content and section background.

Sample Section

Granim Overlay

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

The same overlay as the previous example, but with a data-granim="#834d9b,#d04ed6,#1cd8d2,#93edc7". See granim documentation for more info.

Sample Section

Gradient Background

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

This section has an additional .text-white class and style="background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #667eea 0%, #764ba2 100%);" attribute.
You can get access to a list of gradient background samples at

Sample Section

Parallax Image

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Add a data-parallax="path/to/img.jpg" to your section.

Sample Section


This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Simply include <canvas class="constellation"></canvas> into your section. See constellation documentation for more possibilities.

Sample Section

Local Video Background

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Add .section-video class to your section and put a <video> tag as a child of section to display a local video.

Dialog Title

All it harmonics; Such based to pity of and rank people brief three their time and the this the should service employed of by on beginning turn how is back a years phase that the to the might question. So, sides on blocks rattling transformed built he sight there traveler be worn people was in queen have he term city animals drops.

Dialog Title

All it harmonics; Such based to pity of and rank people brief three their time and the this the should service employed of by on beginning turn how is back a years phase that the to the might question. So, sides on blocks rattling transformed built he sight there traveler be worn people was in queen have he term city animals drops.

Sample Section

Parallax Video

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Include a data-video="mp4:path/to/video.mp4" attribute. You can use data-speed to set parallax speed. It should be a number between -1.0 and 2.0.

Sample Section

YouTube Video Background

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Include data-video attribute with link to your YouTube video. You can use data-speed="0.5" to have a parallax video background. You can use any other number between -1.0 and 2.0.

Sample Section

Vimeo Video Background

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Include data-video attribute with link to your Vimeo video. You can use data-speed="0.5" to have a parallax video background as we have for this section. You can use any other number between -1.0 and 2.0.

Sample Section

Overflow Content

This is a sample text inside the header of section. You can use it to provide an introductory sentence to your section content for the visitors of your website.

Stream of images

Add .flex-nowrap to a .row with column larger than 12 in sum. So it only displays the first 12 columns.
